Non-Fiction Book Proposal Collection


Many writers have a book in them waiting to get out. If your book is non-fiction though, you need to write the proposal first rather than the whole book. Learn how.



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212 minutes of video
212 minutes of audio
68 slides
71 pages of transcript

What Is and What Is Not a Salable Non-Fiction Book Today: Finding Your Place in the Marketplace

You shouldn’t take one step down the research rabbit hole with a book project until you understand how it fits into the marketplace. Editors and agents love to ask “where would this go in Barnes and Noble,” and their favorite authors are the ones that understand the book industry.

In this webinar, we explore what is selling today (along with some peeks at what is not and why) and explore the age-old question of to self-publish or not to self-publish, but I introduce you to a powerful tool that can help you quickly and easily find both what your book should focus on (because the decision really isn’t up to you) and how to get an agent!

We will cover:
– Why you should be brewing a book idea if you aren’t already
– The secret is to go small (in topic) not big (and it’s easier!)
– What is selling in non-fiction today and how to fit in
– How to see live + up-to-date what is being bought and sold every day

Know Your Non-Fiction Book’s Market to Make Its Business Case

In this webinar, I introduce the non-fiction book proposal and its main sections and then zero in on one of the two you need to spend your most time and research prowess on: the target market.

This is where your book will literally live and die. It doesn’t matter to an agent how interesting they think your topic is if he doesn’t think they can sell it to an editor, and it doesn’t matter to an editor how much she loves your writing if her publisher doesn’t think he can make his money back and more on the book.

We will cover:
– The sections of the non-fiction book proposal
– Why the market (or lack there of) is the test step for your entire idea
– What does and doesn’t work when establishing your book’s market
– The concentric circles approach to proving your book’s marketability

You Are Your Non-Fiction Book’s Best Marketer: How to Make it Work

In the previous webinar, we looked at one of the two most important sections of your non-fiction book proposal, and in this webinar, we dive into the second: the marketing plan.

No matter what connections you do or don’t have now, you can still make a killer marketing plan that is believable to a publisher and perfectly positions your book in the market. It all comes down to the triad of research, creativity, and a willingness to put yourself out there for your book.

We will cover:
– Your market (2nd webinar in this series) and competitive research (1st webinar in this series) are the linchpins of building your marketing plan
– Reviewing the sections of the non-fiction book proposal
– How to appear exactly where your book readers already are
– How to create news around you/your book/topic and turn it into even more coverage

The Parts of Your Book Proposal About You and Your Book

There are several parts of the non-fiction book proposal—the author bio, overview, chapter summary, and sample chapters—that can easily feel like the parts you should spend the majority of your time on, but they can easily become enormous time sucks!

In this webinar, we look at how to efficiently power through the rest of your book proposal to get it polished and down without drowning in decision paralysis so your proposal can leave your laptop and do what it’s supposed to do: get agents interested in your project so you can get the feedback you need to make changes based on the knowledge of people who live and breathe books (a.k.a. book professionals and not you!).

We will cover:
– While these “vital” sections are really the least important/last of your worries
– Reviewing the sections of the non-fiction book proposal
– Crafting your author bio
– Putting together your chapter summaries
– Selecting your sample chapters