
Writing for Content Marketing Clients Collection

Original price was: $57.00.Current price is: $43.00.

The single best way to control your time, work, and income today as a travel writer is to write for companies. Start with our series on landing the gigs, and continue here to learn to ace the work.


Buy a curated collection and save 25% over purchasing each webinar individually.

227 minutes of video
227 minutes of audio
52 slides
70 pages of transcript

How to Sell Blogging to Travel Companies and Tourism Boards

In this webinar, we’re going to follow up on our call with the director of communications from Visit Tucson on exactly what statistics, industry terms, and buttons to push you need to know to get yourself in the door with, fielding assignments from, and signing recurring contracts with tourism boards and travel companies.

We will cover:
– Why blogging now
– Where does the money come from and how do you get it
– Where to begin proposing content and setting up your sales pitch

Best Practices When Writing on the Web for Travel Companies

In this webinar, we’re moving past the landing-the-gig stage and into the what-to-do-once-you’ve-got-the-client phase.

Even if you’ve had your own blog for years, tune in to learn the best practices in blogging technique and style when writing for companies and tourism boards, which are trying to provide information quick to readers who may have never visited their site before and may never come back again once they’ve gotten what they needed.

It’s a different audience from a personal blog that readers tune into because they love your personality, and we’ll handle how to navigate the transition.

We will cover:
– What does the difference between your blog nad a company blog boil down to
– The 5 rules for keeping your blogs in the zone when blogging for others
– Structure, style, and knowing the rules so you can break them

Ghost(writ)ing on the Web as a Travel Writer

In this webinar, we’re wrapping up our series on specific ways to move into travel content marketing–just in time to hit the ground running this fall as travel companies and tourism boards plan their 2018 marketing.

So many small travel businesses, whether tour companies or concierge travel bookers, are built around the judgment and expertise of the owner. A blog showcasing those unique advantages is a no-brainer for these companies to build trust with prospective customers, but the owner rarely has the time–or the writing chops.

We’ll unpack the process of creating ghostwritten content for your travel blogging clients.

We will cover:
– Why ghostwriting and what is the pay
– 9 specific opportunities for travel business ghostwriting to get you started
– How to break in and work with clients as a ghost travel writer


Tourism Boards and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump

We’ve got a series of webinars on how to land specific types of travel content marketing gigs coming up, and in this webinar on Tourism Board and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump, I’m bringing in the director of communications from Visit Tucson, Dan Gibson.

Dan himself was formerly a journalist before making the jump into the tourism board side, so he has a unique perspective on what you need to know to transition into this type of writing.

In this webinar, I’ll go through examples of the content travel companies and tourism boards are looking for before Dan comes in to talk about his own transition and how freelancers can work with tourism boards like his.