*VIP (Very Insightful Professionals) Group Coaching Program Open House Special
Original price was: $197.00.$167.00Current price is: $167.00. / month with a 84-day free trial and a $167.00 Advance First Month Subscription Fee
Our VIP Program includes twice weekly group coaching and full access to our resources, including planning tools, book club, video courses, and our Q&A library.
23 in stock
We want to make it as easy as possible to know if our VIP (Very Insightful Professionals) Group Coaching Program is right for you or not in the way that works best for you.
Some people don’t want to have to scroll through a lot of information, but there are others who have a lot of questions they’d like answered to know if something is right for them. We’re going to try our best to cater to both approaches and people who are in between!
On this page, you can learn:
- the high level of what we’re offering
- what’s included in all VIP subscriptions
- what extra bonuses are included with our special Open House pricing
- who we envision VIP is and isn’t a great fit for
The High Level
VIP is designed to support you through the toughest aspect of running your own business yourself: steering the ship.
We mean that from the perspectives of:
- charting the course
- navigating
- actually doing the steering and maneuvers along the way
We will primarily accomplish this in two group coaching calls each week, but we have many dimensions to get you help exactly when, where, and how you need it that we outline before, from resources like an “Ask Gabi” GPT and full class library to weekly, monthly, and quarterly reflections and reviews.
To make sure this program supports you at the highest possible level, Gabi has completed:
- more than 600 hours of paid coaching and hundreds of additional hours of unpaid trainings
- an executive coaching certification from the Center for Executive Coaching
- an Advanced Applied Positive Psychology Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania, including classes dedicated to experiential learning, work, relationships, creativity, resilience, and character strengths
- Business Accelerator business coaching with Full Focus Co (formerly Michael Hyatt & Company)
- mentor coaching with Positive Acorn, run by leaders in the coaching psychology and applied positive psychology fields
We have modeled our program after these experiences along with other premium group membership programs we’ve been a part of recently, including:
- Pat Flynn’s SPI Pro and All-Access Pass
- Marie Forleo’s B School and Dream Club
- Jenny Blake’s BFF program
- Ellevate’s mastermind programs for female entrepreneurs
- Circle’s Creator Catalyst
- Susie Moore’s Superstar Sessions
One of our past coaching program members said:
“I’ve learned more in the few months that I’ve been a member of the Dream of Travel Writing Database and listening in on Gabi’s seminars than I have in 4 years of working in the industry.
Gabi is a wealth of knowledge and I feel fortunate to have been influenced by her expertise. Ideas come to me more easily now and I’m gradually tackling my biggest challenge – keeping my pitch prep time to a minimum. All of this has been accomplished by applying the tips that Gabi shares.
I consider discovering her one of the best things to happen to my writing this year.”
We can’t wait to see how much further our new program and resources can take you!
All VIP subscriptions always include….
Whether you grab the fast-action offer for this super special first-come-first-served price, join any time before the official kick-off at the discounted rate, or join later when we reopen membership, you’ll always receive:
- two 60-minute group coaching calls each week
- half-off all of our workshops
- exclusive newsletter highlighting the top tips, takeaways, and tools discussed in our weekly calls
- steamable audio and video, transcripts, and slides of all of our past webinars
- more than 400 detailed answers to questions about every facet of freelance travel writing, from how to email editors to what to say to land a travel content marketing client (and we’ve got folks going through our past webinars and pulling new ones to add throughout this month!), in our Q&A library
- option to send in your own questions for us to answer and add to the library
- proprietary “Ask Gabi” custom GPT to get advice on burning questions outside our weekly calls
- better business book club (you don’t even have to read the book—we’ll summarize and move right into discussion and action step planning)
- morning and evening reflection questions
- weekly plan review questions
- monthly planning check-in walkthrough
- on-demand self-guided access to our IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, and live access during scheduled course dates
- option to join us for Flourishing Creator summer camp program in New York State
- personalized email support for any program-related questions from our live, human dedicated customer service manager
- free access to exclusive member planning masterminds throughout the year
- first pick on purchasing 1-on-1 coaching times when available
- your price locked in for the life of your membership
Members who join during our Open House will also get these bonuses
Once our Open House ends on October 1, we’ll keep membership to VIP closed for a bit while we all settle in, and then, when we reopen, the monthly subscription will be $199 per month.
So if you are sure—and again, this is really for people who know us and our content and are ready to commit to a beautiful relationship of being supported in a group with professional coaching as they work toward a range of life and business goals—here’s what I am excited to be able to offer you, just for our special Open House before the coaching program officially opens.
We’ll officially open on October 1, so if you join right away, you’ll also be getting free access to resources ahead of the opening date.
You can secure one of a limited number of Open House Special spots for $167/month and get:
- a special pathfinding call with me to start your work with us
- 50% off our upcoming Strategic Business Planning Mastermind Workshop
- free access to our resources in advance of opening day
- bonus pre-opening surprises
- $30 per month (that’s $360 per year!) savings on your membership
I’m not kidding when I say these are limited. And yes, I had to fight with my business manager to get as many of these special spots as I did!
It is really important to me that we honor and thank the people who know right away that this is for them.
I really appreciate everyone who sees this offer and can’t click fast enough. I am always so excited when creators I admire, whose advice I find super valuable, have offers that are just the right thing at just the right time. I can’t wait to meet those of you who feel that way about this invitation right now.
If you’d like to secure on of these special spots for yourself:
- Confirm your spot now to lock in the best price for the program. You’ll pay for the first month now to hold your spot, and you won’t be charged again until the end of the first month the program is open. We open October 1, so you won’t be charged again until November 1.
- Enjoy instant access on the house to our resources in the lead-up to our official opening date (October 1). We’ll keep adding more resources throughout the Open House for you to check out.
- Set up your pathfinding one-on-one with Gabi to start to chart the best way forward for you through our resources and your current goals.
- Join us for exclusive bonus surprises to be announced! These calls and other surprises will only be open to members who have already joined.
- Take 50% off charting your course for the end of this year and the year ahead in our Strategic Business Planning Mastermind Workshop.
Who is the VIP program meant for?
Only you can know if this program is the right fit for you, but here’s what we can tell you to help you decide:
We are specifically looking for members who . . .
- . . . have already started their business.
- . . . enjoy participating in fair, supportive, calm, and patient environments where people have equal and equitable time and space to be the center of attention.
- . . . feel comfortable talking openly about their business in a group setting.
- . . . know they learn interesting things about themselves when hearing the experiences of others.
- . . . are interested in working ON their business rather than just IN it, as this program is intended to address issues at the root rather than apply band-aids and operate from a place of reactivity.
- . . . want to have a business and life that supports them in a sustainable, on-going fashion that can meet their needs and wants in a long-term way, rather than cycling through feast and famine or burn out and hectic sprints.
What kind of writing business is the right fit for this program?
You might be surprised the breadth of writing work Gabi has coached clients on in the past and the type of income sources your fellow VIP members have. That’s part of the idea–to keep your sense of possibility open about the work you may do in the future or that may be the best fit for you.
Some specific examples of income sources Gabi has coached writers on before include:
- influencer-related income from advertising, affiliate programs, and sponsorships
- blog-related income from products and services like tours and trip itineraries
- magazine work from trade magazines, newsstand magazines, and everything in between
- content writing contracts for companies and tourism boards
- full-length books written under one’s own name or as a hired ghostwriter written for major publishers or for self publication
- major-outlet essays
One of my favorite things a customer every said to us really sums up what we want for everyone in this program:
“I realized that I can demand more from this career path. I can in fact work less, make more, and still do the kind of writing that I love. – Britney”
Are you ready to stop suffering for success? Will you join us to build a flourishing life and business for yourself?