Taking Control Collection


So many of the problems common to freelance writers circle back to business basics. In this quick crash course, we cover how to quickly get your business under control and anxiety-free.



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248 minutes of video
248 minutes of audio
62 slides
91 pages of transcript

Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Finances

In this first webinar in the series on taking control of the business side of your freelance travel writing business, we dive into everything you need to know to get your taxes in gear this year. We are not licensed tax advisors, but unfortunately, most accountants don’t know the nitty gritty of this profession, so we’ll steer you the right way.

We will cover:
– Laying the ground work: what are the expenses categories for freelance food and travel writers?
– How does this play out with your month-to-month expense tracking (and quarterly taxes!)?
– Taking it to the next level: how should you manage these things on an on-going basis

Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Time

In this webinar on Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Time–the single most important groundwork I lay with our coaching program members so that they can handle the work they want to do when it starts coming in–we dive into the number one difference I see between the people who “do it” and those that don’t: how they spend their freelance time–you always have choices.

We will cover:
– A business philosophy on time – do you have one?
-The big offenders and how to deal with them
– Approaches to time tracking for beginners (to time tracking) and for travel writing life

Taking Control of How You Travel and Reach Your Freelance Travel Writing Goals

In this webinar, we expand the big picture and how to ensure your big dreams become tangible reality. To grow your travel writing income, you need a reliable, repeatable system for ensuring you have your eye on your benchmarks and pivot to meet them. We explore how to adopt the systems big businesses use to great success for your solopreneur writing business.

We will cover:
– Are your goals on ICE? How to tell – and immediately fix this issue
– The MArathon-Training Method of reaching your freelance travel writing goals
– My favorite “hacks,” tips, and tricks for visible goals

Taking Control of Your Pitches, Ideas, and Follow-Ups

You can have all the article ideas in the world, but if you can’t find the information you need to pitch them to the right markets, you’re toast. In this webinar, we explore how to capture ideas the second you have them, store them for later, and how to adapt best practices to what works for you.

We will cover:
– Zeroing in on the real point of all of this anyway
– How and when ideas come and systems for what to do with them when they do
– How to organize the information you need to match ideas and quickly piece together pitches
– Making sure not to drop the thread in the all-important follow-up phrase