Annual Review Part 5: Mapping Out Your Step-by-Step Plan for Success in the Year Ahead

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93 minutes of video
93 minutes of audio
18 slides
34 pages of transcripts

In a very special year-end webinar, we continued the planning we began in the last webinar but moved into the specifics scheduling of your project goals and related actions throughout the year.

We invited our listeners to send in their prep from the earlier calls in this series so that they could have their plans for the year ahead workshopped by Gabi, so you can see three very different examples of how to create your plan.


It sounds totally counter-intuitive, but we have spent a lot of the past four weeks in our five-week series on reviewing your past year and setting the course for the year ahead talking about why goals don’t work.

I wholeheartedly believe that goals can be a real impediment to moving your travel writing career forward.

Before I reached a point where I had clients I enjoyed working with, enough work (at least $100/hour) that I didn’t need to do any marketing, and complete control over my schedule, I had a lot of goals for my freelance lifestyle and my writing.

And a lot of the folks that come to me for freelance business coaching have very strongly held goals as well.

In fact, I think it’s one of the things that separates the dreamers from the doers in many ways.

When you are focused on doing–and I don’t mean working all the time and every weekend, but putting your head down and focusing on the work that actually contributes to where you want to be–you are working on something much more important than a goal.

You are building successful habits.

The act of working, and working regularly, and over the long-term is what matters.

Because the thing about the goals that brought you to travel writing in the first place is that they are inherently based on misinformation. They are the ideas that you had about travel writing and the freelance lifestyle before you tried it for yourself.

If you’ve even sent one pitch or written one piece for an editor who wasn’t yourself or tried to set up one website or have been working your butt off to build a client base that fits your needs for years, you know what I mean.

What the day-to-day of freelance travel writing looks like (for you) is absolutely not how you pictured it.

For good or for bad.

So what we’re going to do in this week’s webinar is to start to get a better hold on the reigns of that runaway stallion.

We talk about how exactly to give yourself habits, to-do list items, and concrete, mapped-out steps to make your next year look dramatically different than this year one day at a time.

Please note:​ if you haven’t caught the previous webinars in this series, we highly recommend doing so before viewing this session.

We will cover:
– A holistic approach to year-planning rather than just goal setting.
– Walking through the process (and seeing how things can change)
– Workshopping your and Your fellow freelancer’s plans!