*Strategic Business Planning Mastermind Workshop: October 14-15, 2024



The Strategic Planning Mastermind Workshop will be delivered entirely online in a small group, live-only format.

The High-Level Overview

We’ll take two days together, with five hours each day with an hour break in the middle. You’ll complete all your work during the workshop itself.

I’ll be offering the workshop twice:

  • Monday, September 23 + Tuesday, September 24 12pm – 6pm EST (break from 2:30-3:30pm EST)
  • Monday, October 14 + Tuesday, October 15, 10am – 4pm EST (break from 12:30-1:30pm EST)

This purchase page is for Monday, October 14 + Tuesday, October 15. If you’re looking for Monday, September 23 + Tuesday, September 24, click here.

At the end of our two days together, you will:

  • leave armed with invaluable insights, customized clarity, and an actionable plan ready to implement seamlessly, because we’ve already done everything hard in our time together,
  • roll into the last part of the year with confidence and excitement that you’re going to finish what you set out to do,
  • bring optimism into the new year ahead, because you’ve got momentum going before the year even starts, and
  • know that you can do what you’ve planned for yourself, and that your plans can actually move you toward your most meaningful goals for yourself and your business.

This event is a workshop (meaning you will do exercises during the event to complete the content) and a mastermind (in that you will have small group discussions), so it is designed to be attended live.

The workshop is built around proprietary exercises that are not available anywhere else at this time and it is only available for live participation due to the small group, mastermind nature.

What You’ll Get Done

I’ve taught a lot of live workshops with stacked agendas of super valuable content in the past, so I know how to balance learning with exercises where you not only apply what you’ve learned—you also directly turn it into something that’s complete and ready to put into action at home.

I’ve got a sleek, streamlined plan for us to move through key topics from our HOW coaching process for this workshop.

HOW stands for:

  1. Hone Your Dream
  2. Own Your Numbers
  3. Widen Your Expertise

My full play-by-play schedule of exactly which exercises we’ll do is a lot more detailed (but also proprietary :)), so here’s a sneak peek of how we’ll put these steps into practice in our two days together:

  • We’ll begin the first half day getting super clear on your ideal work life, business set-up, and day-to-day approach with quizzes and madlibs-style fill-ins that will grow into your personal motivation manifesto.
  • The rest of the first day focuses on clearly and confidently owning your numbers in terms of time AND money: where you are, where you want to be, and some special tools for how to get there, including a marketing planning exercise that will literally change how you ever imagine any goal for your business again.
  • Our second day will begin with an audit of the goals, projects, and habits you might see on your horizons as we give each a special “grade” that will help pop into stark relief what matters most, makes the biggest impact, and is the easiest for you to do with the time and tools you have.
  • We’ll round out the day creating a personalized road map for your time ahead that we map onto your calendar—with margin—so you leave confident your plan for the time ahead fits your dreams and your reality.

Can’t wait to get you clear-eyed, energized, and already on your way to making your dream for this year and the next come true!

I’ll see you there,

p.s. If you’re sure that you will love this workshop, and you’re also looking for on-going coaching, you may want to have a look at our super special Open House discount on our new group coaching program. It’s so discounted, my business manager got upset with me about it! But, most importantly—you’ll get 50% off your workshop registration when you join.

Please note: We will make recordings available afterwards for reference of the introductions and exercise explanations, but not of breakout discussions in which people are sharing with their group. We appreciate you letting us know if you are not planning to attend live when you register so we will not include you in one of the mastermind groups.