Taking Control of How You Track and Reach Your Freelance Travel Writing Goals


Without a plan for your business, you’re not likely to enjoy where it ends up as much as you could with these steps.


53 minutes of video
53 minutes of audio
19 slides
20 pages of transcripts

In the third hour of our series on running the operations of your freelance travel writing business, we expand the the big picture and how to ensure your big dreams become tangible reality.

To grow your travel writing income, you need a reliable, repeatable system for ensuring your have your eye on your benchmarks and pivot to meet them. We’ll explore how to adopt the systems big businesses use to great success for your solopreneaur writing business.

We will cover:
– Are your goals on ICE? How to tell – and immediately fix this issue
– The MArathon-Training Method of reaching your freelance travel writing goals
– My favorite “hacks,” tips, and tricks for visible goals