Write For Trade Magazines Collection Video and Audio

Writing for Travel Trade Magazines 101

Audio-version only

How To Write A Letter Of Introduction – The Pitch Equivalent for Trade Magazines

Audio-version only

How To Become Part of Editor’s Stable

Audio-version only

Live Idea-to-Pitch Collection Video and Audio

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #1: Turning Trip Notes into a Pitchable Idea List

Audio-only version:

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #2: Matching Raw Ideas to Real Magazine Sections

Audio-only Version:

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #3: Identifying Glove-Fit Ideas

Audio-only Version:

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #4: Ruthlessly Auditing Idea Fit

Audio-only version:

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #5: Creating the Bones of the Pitch

Audio-only version:

Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough #6: Filling in the Blanks & Hitting Send

Audio-only version: