Freelance Business Systems: Sell Smart

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60 minutes of video
60 minutes of audio
25 slides
20 pages of transcript


Of all of the different areas of business and business systems we discuss as part of this serious, the topic that probably has the most written, researched, and optimized about it is sales. And yet it’s also the part that most writers more or less want nothing to do with (money, yes; selling, no), particularly the “icky”-sounding word “sales.”

As we enter the three-legged stool of sales, marketing, and public relations, we explore the differences between the three often co-located and conflated areas, so that you can make sure not to skimp on anything that will propel your business forward by accident.

We explore why and how salespeople in companies are compensated, so that you can get a handle on how this is truly one of your most fundamental jobs within your business, and we break down what lies at the heart of sales (because it’s really, really not what you think) that makes great salespeople in all industries grow their companies.

We will cover:
– Today’s sales talk is going to be different than our usual sales discussions
– What a sales team really does
– The nitty gritty of creating your own pipeline (graphically and numerically)
– Simple, succinct things to focus your sales time on now