Special Coaching Spotlight: Small Group Coaching Preview September 18 at 2:30 pm EST

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Not Enrolled (7 places remaining)
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Are you excited?

We’re definitely excited.

There is coaching. And then there’s coaching—the way it’s designed and intended by the people who study the psychology and neuroscience of facilitated change.

When I have coaching calls with people who never really experienced coaching, at the end they say things like:

 “That was such a pleasant surprise. I really didn’t know what to expect, but we got so much done!”

 “I wasn’t really sure we could get this figured out. I can’t believe we untangled this AND something else in less than half an hour.”

 “Wow, I really didn’t expect we would get into THAT. But I’m so glad we did! I feel so much better.”

We are thrilled to have you join us to experience high-level professional coaching completely free as a special invitation event, only during our Open House period before our VIP (Very Insightful Professionals) Group Coaching Program officially launches on October 1. One-on-one coaching sessions will be available later in the year for $75 for 25 minutes.

What Happens Next

  • Mark your call day and time on your calendar. These limited space calls are capped on registration. If you miss the one you selected, we cannot guarantee you another spot! Use this link to join your call at the appointed time.
  • Complete your coaching agreement. In line with International Coaching Federation guidelines, we need to have a coaching agreement before engaging in coaching with you! It will help you understand what coaching is and how the experience works.
  • Start zeroing in on your coaching topic. We’ll check in with you closer to your call to help you with ideas for this, but the more specific the better. Something you have been stuck on, a decision you need to make, or a goal you want to clarify can all be good jumping off points.

Where to Join Your Call

Once you’ve completed your coaching agreement, and it’s time to join your call, you can join from your computer, tablet or smartphone here: https://meet.goto.com/614548069

You can also dial in using your phone, using access code 614-548-069 and the phone number +1 (571) 317-3122.

If you’d prefer to use the app than your browser, you can download it now and be ready when your call starts: https://meet.goto.com/install

How to Make the Most of Your Call

A few things to help make sure you are all ready to make the most of your time, learning, and takeaways:

  • Have you held this time in your calendar? I love to block out ten minutes before to prepare when I have a webinar coming up with new topic. That helps me to get a drink and get comfortable, get my head ready to focus on what I’m about to learn, and switch gears from what I was working on before. I even like to hold a half hour after, when I can, to process my action items from the call and implement whatever I learn right away. This way I get the most out of my learning time investment.
  • Have you clarified what you most need to learn about this topic right now? I learned this recently, and it has been a total game changer. Before you go into an experience like a webinar or workshop, think about what you need to get out of it right now. Sure, you’ll learn things for later. But how can you use this information on a challenge you’re currently facing? This will help you tune into exactly what will move the needle for you and walk away energized to put specific things into action.
  • Have you used GoTo before? You can use it without downloading the app, and you can also call in by phone.  I like to join new video conferencing apps a little early to make sure I’m all set at the start time and don’t join feeling flustered and rushed. It definitely kills my ability to make the most of a call! When you join, you’ll have an option to test your mic and speaker. We really recommend that you do to make sure you can hear us and we can hear you.

What to Expect

We will run this call in a similar format to what we will use for our VIP Program. It’s modeled after a variety of experiences Gabi has had doing research for this program, including:

  • Business Accelerator business coaching with Full Focus Co (formerly Michael Hyatt & Company)
  • Center for Executive Coaching daily large-group training calls
  • mentor coaching with Positive Acorn, run by leaders in the coaching psychology and applied positive psychology fields
  • Pat Flynn’s SPI Pro and All-Access Pass
  • Marie Forleo’s B School and Dream Club
  • Jenny Blake’s BFF program
  • Ellevate’s mastermind programs for female entrepreneurs
  • Circle’s Creator Catalyst
  • Susie Moore’s Superstar Sessions

We will begin involving everyone on the call in shaping their goals for time together and end with everyone’s biggest insight from the hour.

For the majority of the call, the time will be split evenly among the people in attendance who want to be coached, and they will be coached one-on-one. We ask others to keep their videos off during this time, but we encourage you to stay engaged and learn from the experiences, challenges, and ideas for solutions others discussion on the call.

While someone is being coached, we also invite others to drop ideas they have for resources or other solutions to the problem at hand in the chat box for the person to collect after their coaching time.

What You Need to Know

  • These calls will not be recorded. Please make sure to capture any insights you have! Or resources others share with you. With our VIP (Very Insightful Professionals) Group Coaching Program, we will have call recordings, call notes, and key takeaways available after each call. But in order to make sure people feel comfortable trying coaching out, we are not recording these preview calls. 
  • Everything said on the call is confidential. You will hear what is going on in other folks’ lives and businesses as this is a group call. In order to join the call, you will need to complete a short coaching agreement about what coaching is, our responsibilities, and yours.
  • We’re committed to making as many small-group sessions available as needed for everyone to have an opportunity. That means that if you are no longer able to make it to your call, we want to know! We’ve set up waitlists for other people to join a call if it’s full. And we can move you to another open call time if you’d like to switch. Please respond to this email and let us know if you can no long make your confirmed call time.